Policies and Procedures

The following policies, procedures and information are required by state or federal entities to be prominently posted on school district websites. The complete list of Jamesville-DeWitt Board of Education policies is available on the board of education section of the website.  

Code of Conduct | Districtwide School Safety Plan | Dignity for All Students Act | Freedom of Information Law/Public Access to Records | Idling School Buses on School Grounds | Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment | GoGuardian Beacon Prevention Services | Smart Schools Investment PlanRelease of Student Information

Code of Conduct

The Jamesville-DeWitt Board of Education is committed to providing a safe and orderly learning environment where students and district personnel can participate in quality educational services without disruption or interference. Responsible behavior by students, teachers, other staff, parents, and other visitors is essential to achieving this goal.

The district has a longstanding set of expectations for conduct on school property and at school functions. These expectations are based on the principles of civility, mutual respect, citizenship, character, inclusion, honesty, and integrity. The board of education recognizes the need to clearly define these expectations for acceptable conduct, identify the possible consequences of unacceptable behavior, and ensure that discipline is administered fairly and in a timely manner.

This code applies to all students, school personnel, guardians and other visitors when on school property or attending a school-sponsored function. 

Read the Jamesville-Dewitt Code of Conduct.

Districtwide School Safety Plan

As required by state education law, the Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District maintains a district-wide safety plan and must post this plan on its website. This plan is designed to prevent or minimize the effects of violent incidents and emergencies and to facilitate the coordination of schools and school districts with local and county resources in the event of such incidents or emergencies. 

Read the Districtwide School Safety Plan.

Dignity for All Students Act

Learning environments that are safe and supportive can increase student attendance and improve academic achievement. A student’s ability to learn and achieve high academic standards, and a school’s ability to educate students, is compromised by incidents of discrimination or harassment, including but not limited to bullying (including cyberbullying), taunting and intimidation. Cyberbullying is considered to be the use of any form of information technology, including personal electronic devices to intimidate, harass, or threaten others. Therefore, in accordance with the Dignity for All Students Act, the District will strive to create an environment free of discrimination and harassment and will foster civility in the schools to prevent and prohibit conduct which is inconsistent with the District’s educational mission.

The district condemns and prohibits all forms of discrimination and harassment of students based on actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender (identity or expression), or sex. Any such discrimination and harassment by school employees or students, will not be tolerated on school property or at school sponsored activities and events that take place at locations off school property. In addition, any act of discrimination or harassment, outside of school sponsored events, which can reasonably be expected to materially and substantially disrupt the education process may be subject to discipline.

Dignity Act Coordinators

To report violations of the Dignity for All Students Act, contact the appropriate Dignity Act Coordinator(s) below:

J-D High School

J-D Middle School

Jamesville Elementary School

Moses DeWitt Elementary School

Tecumseh Elementary School

Reporting a DASA Violation

If you are a student, the parent/guardian of a student, a volunteer or visitor, and believe you or someone else has been the target of alleged bullying or harassment, complete the online DASA Report Form or contact the appropriate contact listed above to request a paper copy form.

Freedom of Information Law/Public Access to Records

Access to records by the District shall be consistent with the rules and regulations established by the New York State Committee on Open Government and shall comply with all the requirements of the New York State Public Officers Law Section 87.

The district’s business official is designated as the Records Access Officer.

The District shall respond to a request within five (5) business days of the receipt of a request by either (1) making the records available to the person requesting them, (2) acknowledging receipt of the request and providing a statement of the approximate date when the such request will be granted or denied, or (3) denying the request. Should all or part of the request need to be denied, the District shall respond in the manner set forth by the rules and regulations stipulated by the Committee on Open Government.

The District shall accept requests for records submitted in the form of electronic mail and respond to such requests by electronic mail. For purposes of receiving requests for records via this format, use thauser@jd.cnyric.org.

Requests should state that information is being sought under the Freedom of Information Law and provide a brief description of the public records requested. Please be as specific as possible (i.e. relevant dates, names, descriptions, etc.).

Requests for student records (current and former, including graduates) are not to be requested through this FOIL (Freedom of Information Law) process. Contact the individual school directly for student records information.

Idling School Buses on School Grounds

State law requires school districts to take steps to minimize the idling of the engines of school buses and other school vehicles on school grounds.

While students are boarding and departing school buses, the engine should be turned off. Students should be instructed about the importance of getting on and off buses in an orderly and efficient fashion to minimize loading and unloading time. Bus engines should also be off while parked at sporting events and other school activities.

Exceptions to this “no idling” policy can be made in cases of emergency, mechanical issues or for necessary heating.

Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment 

In accordance with applicable federal and state laws and regulations, the Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District does not discriminate on the basis of any legally protected class or category in its education programs and activities or when making employment decisions.

Further, the district prohibits discrimination and harassment on school property and at school functions on the basis of any legally protected class including, but not limited to: race; color; religion; disability; national origin; sexual orientation; gender identity or expression; military status; sex; age; and marital status.

Read the district’s non-discrimination and anti-harassment policy.

Its non-discrimination and anti-harassment policy addresses complaints of discrimination and/or harassment made under applicable federal and state laws and regulations, as well as any applicable district policy, regulation, procedure, or other document, such as the district’s Code of Conduct.

To file a complaint of discrimination and/or harassment, contact the district’s Civil Rights Compliance Officer; Title IX Compliance Officer:

Nate Franz, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity

    • PO Box 606
    • DeWitt, NY 13214
    • Phone: 315-445-8300
    • Email: nfranz@jd.cnyric.org

GoGuardian Beacon Prevention Services 

GoGuardian Beacon helps notify Jamesville-DeWitt’s counselors and/or other school identified staff if the system detects that a child searches, creates, views, or interacts with online content that could be related to suicide, self-harm, threats or violence. Because of this, GoGuardian Beacon helps us detect and intervene when a child may be at risk of suicide, self-harm or violence.  

It is important to know that neither Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District nor GoGuardian Beacon can possibly detect every situation in which a child may be suicidal or may be at risk of causing harm to self or others.  The District’s adoption of GoGuardian Beacon services in its e-mail system and electronic network is not a substitute for direct parental awareness and monitoring of their children’s on-line activities, e-mail communications, and social media posts.  The District expressly disclaims any liability for GoGuardian Beacon’s failure to detect any use of the District’s e-mail system or electronic network that may indicate that a child may be at risk of self-harm or harm to others.  The District further disclaims any liability for any actions or interventions (or alleged insufficiency of such actions or interventions) taken by its staff members if they receive a GoGuardian Beacon notification that a child has searched, created, posted, edited, viewed, shared, or otherwise interacted with online content that could be related to self-harm or harm to others.

Smart Schools Investment Plan

As required by the Smart Schools Bond Act Implementation Guidance, school districts must post a Smart Schools Investment Plan on their websites. This plan is designed for the district to participate in the Smart Schools Bond Act of 2014. The act authorized the state to finance $2 billion for educational technology and infrastructure to improve learning and opportunity for New York students. 

Jamesville-Dewitt’s Smart Schools Investment Plan is available for review.

Release of Student Information

Consistent with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the district has designated certain categories of personally identifiable student information that it may release without prior written consent: students’ names and/or photos. This is known as “directory information.”

The purpose of doing this is to enable student activities and accomplishments to be publicized and for the creation of such publications as the annual yearbook, programs for graduations, concerts and other special events, sports activity sheets and honor roll or recognition lists. Achievements are typically published on the school website and through school district social media (if applicable), press releases to the local media and official district publications.

Directory information can also be disclosed to outside organizations without a parent/guardian’s prior written consent. Outside organizations include, but are not limited to, companies that manufacture class rings or publish yearbooks. 

Parents objecting to the release of this information without prior consent must notify their student’s school principal in writing annually by Sept. 15.

Please note if you do NOT wish to have your student’s information released to the media for coverage of program activities, awards and prizes for students. Please also note if you do NOT wish to have your student photographed for use in district publications or by the news media.

If you have questions about this, please reach out to your student’s school principal.

While the district will honor the request of any parent/guardian or eligible student who has submitted written notification opting their child out of the release of directory information, the district is not responsible for media that cover news happenings, sporting events or other school events that are open to the public, such as plays and musical performances.