2020-25 Strategic Plan

Introduction | Culture of Wellness | Curriculum and Programs | Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion | Family and Community Engagement


Our Mission

The Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District has an uncompromising commitment to excellence in preparing students to achieve and succeed, to respect themselves and others, and to practice life-long learning in an ever-changing, richly diverse global society. We take responsibility for providing a challenging educational experience in a safe and nurturing environment. We dedicate ourselves to the academic, artistic, social, emotional and physical development of each student.

Our Beliefs

We believe that:

  1. Students, family, school, and community all share the responsibility for education.
  2. Learning is a life-long process for each and every individual.
  3. All students benefit from purposeful evaluation, development, and improvement of educational programs.
  4. Trust, fairness, and respect should permeate every relationship.
  5. A physically safe, socially and emotionally supportive, and educationally challenging environment that respects and values the diversity of our school community is essential to learning.
  6. Self-confidence, self-respect, and self-discipline are the result of personal growth, development, and achievement.
  7. A wide range of educational experiences that focus on creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration are essential to prepare students for the future.
  8. Open, honest, and effective communication results in strong relationships among students, staff, home, and community.

Focus Areas

The Jamesville-DeWitt Central School Strategic Plan (2020- 2025) contains four primary areas of focus, each with multiple initiative areas and goals.

Culture of Wellness

Goal: Develop and support the social, emotional, mental wellness and behavioral needs of all students, faculty and staff.

Curriculum and Programs

Goal: Provide all students with responsive, evolving, robust opportunities and experiences in and out of the classroom.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Goal: The Jamesville-DeWitt School District stands united in support of all students, families, and staff members. We are committed to providing a safe, caring, inclusive, equitable, and challenging learning environment that is free from discrimination and harassment, and to building a community that recognizes diversity as one of our greatest strengths. We fully embrace our rich, diverse community as expressed through race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, religion, natural origin, immigration status, language background, language proficiency, and family structure. We will continuously search for new ways to improve the enriched learning environment at our schools, eliminate racism, eradicate disproportionality, and build equity for all students.

Family and Community Engagement

Goal: Develop and nurture relationships with families and community organizations.

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Culture of Wellness


Develop and support the social, emotional, mental wellness and behavioral needs of all students, faculty and staff.

Initiative Area and Goal

Social, Emotional, Mental Wellness: Provide all students with social, emotional, and mental wellness learning opportunities.

  • Identify a subcommittee to address social, emotional, behavioral and mental wellness needs of all stakeholders. 
    • Person Responsible: Director of PPS
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 1
  • Identify best practice focused on meeting the social, emotional, behavioral and mental wellness needs in the district.
    • Person Responsible: Director of PPS
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 1
  • Identify district needs regarding social, emotional, behavioral and mental wellness supports.
    • Person Responsible: Building Leaders
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 2
  • Implement and continually review supports developed for social, emotional, behavioral and mental health wellness.
    • Person Responsible: Building Leaders
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 3
  • Provide all students opportunities with extra-curricular activities (such as but not limited to clubs, performing arts, athletics, etc.).
    • Person Responsible: Building Leaders
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 3


Develop and support the social, emotional, mental wellness and behavioral needs of all students, faculty and staff.

Initiative Area and Goal

Staff Awareness: Promote staff awareness when dealing with social, emotional, behavioral and mental wellness of all students.

  • Provide staff with professional development to develop and grow their knowledge and understanding of social, emotional, behavioral and mental wellness.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 1
  • Identify, develop and implement a system of crisis support (day-to-day, long-term, preventative)
    • Person Responsible: Director of PPS
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 1
  • Conduct an analysis of student discipline to ensure equitable responses.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 2


Develop and support the social, emotional, mental wellness and behavioral needs of all students, faculty and staff.

Initiative Area and Goal

Student Wellness: Provide support to ensure the physical, social, emotional, behavioral and mental wellness of all students.

  • Investigate, identify and implement a tool which will assess the social, emotional, behavior and mental needs of all students.
    • Person Responsible: Director of PPS
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 1
  • Use data to identify/create systems of support.
    • Person Responsible: Director of PPS and Building Level SEL/Mental Wellness Teams
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 2
  • Ensure all students have a social, emotional, personal connection to a trusted adult or their school community.
    • Person Responsible: Building Level SEL/Mental Wellness Teams
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 3


Develop and support the social, emotional, mental wellness and behavioral needs of all students, faculty and staff.

Initiative Area and Goal

Equity: Ensure all students are treated equitably and with dignity and respect.

  • Ensure all students have equitable access to social, emotional, mental wellness and behavioral curriculum, supports, services and activities.
    • Person Responsible: Director of PPS
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 1
  • Address inequities of student discipline.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 2

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Curriculum and Programs


Provide all students with responsive, evolving, robust opportunities and experiences in and out of the classroom.

Initiative Area and Goal

Programs: Provide additional curricular opportunities to support and enrich student experience.

  • Research, analyze and develop an extended day program at the middle school and plan for implementation.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Educational Services
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 2
  • Determine the feasibility of offering elementary and middle school summer school programs.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Educational Services
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 3
  • Design a district wide peer tutoring program.
    • Person Responsible: Building Principals
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 3
  • Develop an after school curriculum enrichment with STEM offerings that enhance student learning in a specific curriculum area and implement if appropriate.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity/Building Principals
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 4
  • Evaluate effectiveness of support and enrichment programs as developed through strategic plan.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 5


Provide all students with responsive, evolving, robust opportunities and experiences in and out of the classroom.

Initiative Area and Goal

Student Achievement: Reduce the achievement gap amongst all subgroups.

  • Analyze and evaluate district special education service offerings to ensure compliance with student need, SED requirements, and college/career readiness.
    • Person Responsible: Director of PPS and Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, Equity
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 1
  • Develop alternative means to collect and analyze data on student achievement across all groups.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 1
  • Analyze and evaluate district wide culturally responsive practices and resources and make changes where appropriate.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 1
  • Determine the feasibility and appropriateness of a Universal Pre-K program and plan for implementation.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Educational Services
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 2
  • Using mandated AIS and RTI requirements, develop an instructional approach to intervention that meets the needs of each student’s academic, social/emotional, and behavioral needs.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 2
  • Effectively utilize data to inform instruction and report achievement.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity/Building Principals
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 2


Provide all students with responsive, evolving, robust opportunities and experiences in and out of the classroom.

Initiative Area and Goal

Professional Development: Provide professional development based on identified areas of need.

  • Develop district wide criteria and system for requesting and approving professional development that is aligned with district goals.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 1
  • Develop district wide criteria and system for implementing professional development that is aligned with district goals.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 1
  • Ensure that all staff receive professional development surrounding culturally responsive curriculum.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 1
  • Develop professional development on the effective use of data to inform instruction.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 2
  • Develop a system for teacher to teacher support.
    • Person Responsible: Building Principals
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 3
  • Develop opportunities for teacher led in-district professional development.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity/JD-SU Teaching Center Director
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 3
  • Evaluate the teacher mentor program and build a more comprehensive program for mentors and mentees.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity/JD-SU Teaching Center Director
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 4
  • Investigate ways to embed professional development into the structure of the teacher school day schedule at all levels and plan for implementation.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity/Assistant Superintendent for Educational Services
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 4


Provide all students with responsive, evolving, robust opportunities and experiences in and out of the classroom.

Initiative Area and Goal

Curriculum Development: Create process for standards-based curriculum development and evaluation in all academic areas.

  • Research, analyze and implement K-8 ELA curriculum and programs.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 1
  • Define criteria and procedures for adopting, adapting, piloting, writing and evaluating curriculum.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 1
  • Research, analyze and implement culturally responsive curriculum across all academic areas.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 1
  • Investigate and evaluate current staffing structures for delivering professional development and research-based, aligned curricula.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 2


Provide all students with responsive, evolving, robust opportunities and experiences in and out of the classroom.

Initiative Area and Goal

Course Offerings: Ensure all students have access to appropriate and rigorous coursework.

  • Develop transparent criteria for middle and high school course selection to ensure equitable access.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity with Principals/Department Chairs
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 1
  • Build a system to continually analyze the appropriateness of current course offerings.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 2
  • Enhance student offerings in elective coursework.
    • Person Responsible: High School Principal
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 3

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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion


The Jamesville-DeWitt School District stands united in support of all students, families, and staff members. We are committed to providing a safe, caring, inclusive, equitable, and challenging learning environment that is free from discrimination and harassment, and to building a community that recognizes diversity as one of our greatest strengths. We fully embrace our rich, diverse community as expressed through race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, religion, natural origin, immigration status, language background, language proficiency, and family structure. We will continuously search for new ways to improve the enriched  learning environment at our schools, eliminate racism, eradicate disproportionality, and build equity for all students.

Initiative Area and Goal

Address disproportionalities such as in achievement, discipline, and access to classes, courses, and extracurricular opportunities.

  • Identify the necessary data we need to support equitable access.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 1
  • Collect and evaluate qualitative and quantitative equity data.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 1
  • Analyze and identify root causes.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 1
  • Set measurable goals to address inequity (ongoing evidence-based practices).
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 2
  • Communicate findings and goals to constituencies to address areas of concern.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 3


The Jamesville-DeWitt School District stands united in support of all students, families, and staff members. We are committed to providing a safe, caring, inclusive, equitable, and challenging learning environment that is free from discrimination and harassment, and to building a community that recognizes diversity as one of our greatest strengths. We fully embrace our rich, diverse community as expressed through race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, religion, natural origin, immigration status, language background, language proficiency, and family structure. We will continuously search for new ways to improve the enriched  learning environment at our schools, eliminate racism, eradicate disproportionality, and build equity for all students.

Initiative Area and Goal

Provide an affirming, safe, and equitable school community and environment that supports students impacted by bias and structural inequity.

  • Identify and implement best practices to support students impacted by bias and structural inequity, such as social and emotional strategies
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 1
  • Implement best practices to safely address conflict (restorative practices).
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 2
  • Research best practices around affinity grouping.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 5


The Jamesville-DeWitt School District stands united in support of all students, families, and staff members. We are committed to providing a safe, caring, inclusive, equitable, and challenging learning environment that is free from discrimination and harassment, and to building a community that recognizes diversity as one of our greatest strengths. We fully embrace our rich, diverse community as expressed through race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, religion, natural origin, immigration status, language background, language proficiency, and family structure. We will continuously search for new ways to improve the enriched  learning environment at our schools, eliminate racism, eradicate disproportionality, and build equity for all students.

Initiative Area and Goal

Commit to a culture that reflects, respects, and embraces the voices, perspectives and differences of our diverse community.

  • Identify the data necessary.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 1
  • Identify and address arising challenges.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 1
  • Build opportunities for constructive dialogue.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 2
  • Establish a district-wide equity council and building level equity teams that are inclusive and representative of our diverse community.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 2
  • Collect and evaluate data on a continual basis to identify and address community needs.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 3
  • Establish a communication plan
    • Share progress/opportunities
    • Address misperceptions
    • Increase transparency of DEI work, policies/practices
    • Provide a regular, reliable place/method to go/receive information
      • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity
      • Year to be accomplished: Year 3
  • Rebuild and maintain trust and confidence among the Board of Education, staff, students and families
    • Person Responsible: Superintendent
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 3


The Jamesville-DeWitt School District stands united in support of all students, families, and staff members. We are committed to providing a safe, caring, inclusive, equitable, and challenging learning environment that is free from discrimination and harassment, and to building a community that recognizes diversity as one of our greatest strengths. We fully embrace our rich, diverse community as expressed through race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, religion, natural origin, immigration status, language background, language proficiency, and family structure. We will continuously search for new ways to improve the enriched learning environment at our schools, eliminate racism, eradicate disproportionality, and build equity for all students.

Initiative Area and Goal

Develop a culturally responsive curriculum that reflects the wide range of voices, perspectives and experiences of students and families in our community and the world.

  • Build a common definition of culturally responsive curriculum.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 1
  • Utilize a third party to assist with a curriculum audit completed through a culturally responsive lens.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 1
  • Create a system/process to evaluate cultural responsiveness in instructional resources.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 1
  • Create a process to receive feedback and address curricular and instructional concerns.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 3


The Jamesville-DeWitt School District stands united in support of all students, families, and staff members. We are committed to providing a safe, caring, inclusive, equitable, and challenging learning environment that is free from discrimination and harassment, and to building a community that recognizes diversity as one of our greatest strengths. We fully embrace our rich, diverse community as expressed through race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, religion, natural origin, immigration status, language background, language proficiency, and family structure. We will continuously search for new ways to improve the enriched learning environment at our schools, eliminate racism, eradicate disproportionality, and build equity for all students.

Initiative Area and Goal

Ensure that policies and practices are consistent with and supportive of our DEI definer/goal and that they do not act as barriers to the success of any student.

  • Review all policies to ensure alignment with DEI Definer/goal.
    • Person Responsible: Superintendent
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 1
  • Identify and document best practices to implement policies.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 2
  • Identify and articulate practices to remedy and repair harm.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 2
  • Establish and clearly communicate processes for individuals to safely express concern regarding access and equity.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 2
  • Clearly articulate practices to address concerns.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 2


The Jamesville-DeWitt School District stands united in support of all students, families, and staff members. We are committed to providing a safe, caring, inclusive, equitable, and challenging learning environment that is free from discrimination and harassment, and to building a community that recognizes diversity as one of our greatest strengths. We fully embrace our rich, diverse community as expressed through race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, religion, natural origin, immigration status, language background, language proficiency, and family structure. We will continuously search for new ways to improve the enriched learning environment at our schools, eliminate racism, eradicate disproportionality, and build equity for all students.

Initiative Area and Goal

Recruit and retain culturally competent and diverse administrators, faculty, and staff.

  • Develop a process to understand the experiences of minority staff.
    • Survey current staff using third-party expert
    • Develop an exit survey using third-party expert
      • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Educational Services
      • Year to be accomplished: Year 2
  • Analyze hiring processes to support this initiative (implicit bias).
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Educational Services
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 2
  • Examine research in making environment attractive to retain diverse/minority staff.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Educational Services
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 2
  • Create a hiring plan focused on attracting diverse staff and culturally competent administrators, faculty, and staff so that staff reflects national statistics.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Educational Services
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 2
  • Have an administrative role devoted solely to equity.
    • Person Responsible: Superintendent
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 4


The Jamesville-DeWitt School District stands united in support of all students, families, and staff members. We are committed to providing a safe, caring, inclusive, equitable, and challenging learning environment that is free from discrimination and harassment, and to building a community that recognizes diversity as one of our greatest strengths. We fully embrace our rich, diverse community as expressed through race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, religion, natural origin, immigration status, language background, language proficiency, and family structure. We will continuously search for new ways to improve the enriched learning environment at our schools, eliminate racism, eradicate disproportionality, and build equity for all students.

Initiative Area and Goal

Provide and support professional learning to assist staff as they continually develop their understanding of and practices in inclusiveness and cultural responsiveness.

  • Utilize the NYSED Culturally Responsive Framework to educate staff in creating student-centered learning environments that affirm cultural identities.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 1
  • Collect data to identify ongoing training and support needs.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 2
  • Share disproportionality data to address areas of concern.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 2
  • Build in assessment and evaluation tied to professional learning objectives to identify ongoing needs.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Equity
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 2

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Family and Community Engagement


Develop and nurture relationships with families and community organizations.

Initiative Area and Goal

External Partnership Framework: Develop a structure for external partnerships that supports student success and experience.

  • Develop a framework for partnerships tailored for each family and community engagement initiative (home & school, college & university, business & community organizations, alumni).
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Educational Services
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 2


Develop and nurture relationships with families and community organizations.

Initiative Area and Goal

Alumni Partnerships: Develop and expand partnerships with Jamesville-DeWitt alumni to support student success and experiences

  • Develop and implement a plan to engage alumni based on best practices.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Educational Services
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 4
  • Clearly, regularly & effectively communicate alumni partnerships with families, community stakeholders.
    • Person Responsible: Superintendent
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 5
  • Evaluate and access alumni partnership communication strategies with families, community and stakeholders.
    • Person Responsible: Superintendent
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 5


Develop and nurture relationships with families and community organizations.

Initiative Area and Goal

Business & Community Partnerships: Seek and establish partnerships with selected area businesses and community organizations to support student success and experience.

  • Using external partnership framework, review & assess existing business & community partnerships to develop scope and depth of relationship.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Educational Services
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 3
  • Explore additional opportunities with existing partnerships to fulfill areas of need (internships, job shadowing, scholarships & service opportunities).
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Educational Services
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 3
  • Explore new partnership opportunities to fulfill areas of need (internships, job shadowing, scholarships & service opportunities).
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Educational Services
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 4
  • Work with businesses and community organizations to identify skills students must have to be successful in the workplace and community.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Educational Services
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 4


Develop and nurture relationships with families and community organizations.

Initiative Area and Goal

College & University Partnerships: Foster strong college & university partnerships to support student success and experience.

  • Using external partnership framework, review & assess existing college and university partnerships to develop scope and depth of relationship.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Educational Services
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 3
  • Explore further opportunities with existing partnerships to fulfill areas of need.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Educational Services
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 3
  • Explore new partnership opportunities to fulfill areas of need.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Educational Services
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 4
  • Work with colleges and universities to identify skills students must have to be successful at the post-secondary level.
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Educational Services
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 4


Develop and nurture relationships with families and community organizations.

Initiative Area and Goal

Communication (External): Enhance communication between school, home and community.

  • Actively promote student activities & achievements.
    • Person Responsible: Superintendent
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 1
  • Enhance communication between school, home and community using best practices and multiple modes of communication.
    • Person Responsible: Superintendent
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 1
  • Develop formal methods and schedule for stakeholder communication and feedback.
    • Person Responsible: Superintendent
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 1
  • Continually evaluate effectiveness of modes of communication.
    • Person Responsible: Superintendent
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 2


Develop and nurture relationships with families and community organizations.

Initiative Area and Goal

Home & School Partnerships: Ensure all families feel welcome, included and empowered in the JD community.

  • Identify best practices and create opportunities to increase family engagement and make all feel welcome and included in the district.
    • Person Responsible: Superintendent
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 2
  • Develop opportunities for families to learn (in-person & online) about and discuss relevant topics (i.e., mental health, college readiness process, academic learning areas, etc.).
    • Person Responsible: Assistant Superintendent for Educational Services
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 3
  • Create opportunities for parent volunteers/involvement at different building levels.
    • Person Responsible: Superintendent
    • Year to be accomplished: Year 4

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