PPS/Special Education

The Department of Pupil Personnel Services (PPS) for the Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District works throughout the year to meet the needs of students identified with an educational disability and supported by an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP). We make every effort to educate our students in the least restrictive environment as possible, although at times, that may require an alternate setting. Ultimately, it is our goal to assure that all students exit our programs with the ability to (as independently as possible) be an integral and productive member of their community.

Supports are provided for eligible students beginning at age three through high school commencement or the year in which the student turns age 21. We work with the Onondaga County Department of Health to provide programs and services for children ages 3-5, who qualify under the Committee on Pre-School Special Education. A continuum of services is provided for the vast majority of our students, K-12, within district programs. A small percentage of our students require more intensive support than can be provided within our district. Therefore, we work collaboratively with the Onondaga-Cortland-Madison BOCES to identify the most appropriate program to meet the student’s needs, and utilize the BOCES programs that are available to us.

It is the goal of the Jamesville-DeWitt CSD to ensure that each student attains the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary, not only for life long learning, but also for becoming a cooperative, self-directed, productive, independent, caring citizen through outcome based programs utilizing a variety of effective teaching strategies and methods in a safe, supportive environment. 

Please review the links of resources to assist you with your questions.  If you have additional questions/concerns about your child ages 3-21 regarding their development of academic, social, emotional or physical skills please contact the Pupil Personnel Services office.


Tracey Menapace, Director of Pupil Personnel Services
Jamesville-DeWitt CSD
Tecumseh Elementary
901 Nottingham Rd
Jamesville, NY 13078

Referral Process

If your child is between the ages of 5-21 and feel your child may have an educational disability that will impact them in school, you are entitled to an evaluation done by our district to determine if they may be eligible for special education services.

In order to request a Committee on Special Education (CSE) evaluation you must submit a request for an evaluation in writing to your child’s building principal or to the Office of Pupil Personnel Services (PPS). Once the PPS office receives this letter, you may receive a call from PPS and or a school psychologist to discuss your concerns and the process for evaluation. For children ages 3-5 you may request a Committee on Preschool Evaluation (CPSE) directly through the PPS office.

Prior to an evaluation you will receive a consent to test form to sign along with a social history and medical form for you to complete and return. Once these are returned, your child will be evaluated by a team of special education professionals in the district including a psycho-educational evaluation performed by a school psychologist and an educational evaluation performed by a special education teacher. Based on educational needs of the student other evaluations may be included in this process completed by special education service providers such as a speech language pathologist, occupational therapist and/or physical therapist, depending on your child’s needs and your area of concern.

The evaluation will be completed within 60 days and you will be invited to participate in a Committee on Special Education CSE or CPSE meeting for children ages 3-5, to determine if your child meets eligibility requirements to be considered a student with a disability. If he/she is determined to be a student with a disability you will need to sign consent for services before services can begin. The Individualized Education Program (IEP) will be written for your child and implemented to address their educational needs. This IEP is reviewed on a yearly basis to discuss student growth and address future programming needs. If there are questions about this process please feel free to contact your child’s building principal, school psychologist or the PPS Office.