10th Annual Lemonade Stand raises funds for local organizations

image of lemonade stand set up at JDHS
Lemonade stand at JDHS Main Office.

For the first time, the Tecumseh Learning Pad has expanded its Lemonade Stand. It’s available to staff every day this week at Jamesville Elementary, Moses DeWitt Elementary, and J-D High School. 

The Tecumseh Learning Pad is the district’s 12:1:(3+1) special education classroom housed at Tecumseh Elementary School. Students have helped prepare more than 700 lemonade bottles and Autism acceptance pins. The fundraiser is held in April to coincide with National Autism Acceptance Month.

The main lemonade stand will be held at Tecumseh Elementary on Friday, April 14. Learning Pad families and the directors of Central New York Autism Society of America and ARISE Adaptive Design are invited to attend. The stand will be open from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and again from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. 

Last year, the group raised $2,383.92 for local organizations. 

Learning Pad students will also take part in the ‘One Step at a Time’ Autism Acceptance Walk held at Jamesville Beach on April 29 at 10 a.m.