J-D elementary schools take part in Crayon Initiative

Photo of student pouring crayons into box.









Did you know all three Jamesville-DeWitt elementary schools take part in the Crayon Initiative? The organization keeps old crayons out of landfills by giving them a new life. They are melted down, reshaped, and sent to children’s hospitals across the country. Upstate Golisano Children’s Hospital in Syracuse and several other hospitals throughout New York participate in the program.

Tecumseh Elementary, Jamesville Elementary, and Moses DeWitt Elementary School got involved with the Crayon Initiative back in 2019. Tecumseh collected 71 pounds of crayons following the 2022-23 school year, bringing its total donated crayons to 275 pounds. Jamesville collected 72 pounds of crayons this past school year, bringing its total to 278 pounds. Moses DeWitt is the smallest of the three schools, it donated 49 pounds of crayons this year bringing its overall total to 157 pounds. Together the schools have kept 710 pounds of crayons out of landfills!

As you can imagine, shipping crayons can get costly due to weight. Thank you to the Tecumseh PTG and Jamesville and Moses DeWitt PTA groups for supporting this effort by covering those fees. 

The Crayon Initiative is celebrating its 10th anniversary.